Articles tagged with: sugar substitutes

What is your relationship with food and eating?

1 September 2021 by Catherine Saxelby

Should I drink sugar-free fizzy drinks every day?

Sugar-free soft drinks, which have been around in various forms for almost 40 years, still have their problems. Remember Tab? Remember Coke Zero? Yes, they tasted sweet and saved you drinking some 40 teaspoons of sugar from each 375 ml can, but are they really healthier than regular soft drinks?

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Read on - here I take a look at these cute mini-pots of fresh growing herbs for your kitchen. Are they worth buying? Are they easy to look after?

13 December 2017 by Guest post

Product Snapshot Coca Cola No Sugar

Really? Yet another sugar-free version of the famous multimillion dollar Coca Cola brand? This is attempt No 4 at a no-sugar variety...

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What is a 'Healthy Bounty Bar'? And how does it compare to the original?

7 October 2015 by Catherine Saxeby and Megan Cameron-Lee

What is a 'Healthy Bounty Bar'? And how does it compare to the original?

Lately my social media feeds have been flooded with photos of ‘sugar-free’ sweet treats. Made popular by celebrity, Sarah Wilson,...

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Product Snapshot:  Rice Malt Syrup

16 September 2015 by Catherine Saxelby

Product Snapshot: Rice Malt Syrup

Rice malt syrup, or brown rice syrup, keeps popping up on my radar. It’s the trendy sweetener of the times and is used, in place of...

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Book Review:  The Ultimate Guide to Sugars and Sweeteners

4 February 2015 by Catherine Saxelby

Book Review: The Ultimate Guide to Sugars and Sweeteners

What’s the difference between muscovado, turbinado, demerara and rapadura sugars? Have you even heard of half of them? What is...

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Raw cacao and fruit balls

11 April 2014 by Catherine Saxelby

Raw cacao and fruit balls

  I've been swept up with the trend to cacao balls or power balls, round snacks (think mouthfuls) with the wonderful rich...

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