Foodwatch 2013 Website Survey

Written by Catherine Saxelby on Friday, 22 February 2013.
Tagged: Foodwatch website, healthy eating

Have your say!

Foodwatch 2013 Website Survey
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What do you think about the Foodwatch website?  We'd like to know. What do you want to read? What do you use the Foodwatch website for? What would you like to see more of? How can we make it more relevant and helpful for you? That's why we're undertaking this website survey.

To show our appreciation for your participation Catherine Saxelby has created a Help Kit that you can download at the end of the survey. It contains a free Foodwatch Guide to Healthy Office Snacks for Busy, Working Women plus a new self-assessment tool to help you gauge how healthy your daily eating habits are. Give us three minutes of your time and  take the survey now! Click here.


What's in the survey?

The survey contains two main areas:

  1. The first deals with website content and your preferences for the type of content and the subject areas that interest you most.
  2. The second contains some demographic questions so we can get a better idea of who our readers are, whether they have kids, whether they work outside the home etc.

All of this is so we can tailor our content to make it more relevant to the way you live your life.

Take the survey now! Click here.


All survey responses will be treated in the strictest confidence and are for our use only. Your responses will never be sold or shared with third parties.

Take the survey now! Click here.

Thank you gifts!

Once you have completed the survey you will be taken to a Thank You page where you will see a web address. Please copy and paste this into your browser and it will bring up a page on the Foodwatch website where you can download your free gifts.

Take the survey now! Click here.

Thank you for helping us make Foodwatch a better website.

Catherine Saxelby About the author

About the Author


01 944649032


Catherine Saxelby's My Nutritionary

Winner of the Non-Fiction Authors Gold award


Catherine Saxelby has the answers! She is an accredited nutritionist, blogger and award-winning author. Her award-winning book My Nutritionary will help you cut through the jargon. Do you know your MCTs from your LCTs? How about sterols from stanols? What’s the difference between glucose and dextrose? Or probiotics and prebiotics? What additive is number 330? How safe is acesulfame K? If you find yourself confused by food labels, grab your copy of Catherine Saxelby’s comprehensive guide My Nutritionary NOW!